NGO Trainers’ Association – sTOP

Logo Stowarzyszenie Trenerów STOPNGO Trainers’ Association (sTOP) is a non-governmental organisation uniting over 230 trainers and educators working for social change in Poland. We have about 25 years of experience in training trainers and developing the qualifications of professional trainers.


We deliver many activities in youth and adult education, especially in the training of trainers, educators and facilitators. Our experience in adult education is a result of many ToT courses, courses for facilitators and shorter workshops for experienced trainers that have undergone over 1200 persons. In recent years we have started activities focused on preparing trainers to work with special needs groups, which are at the risk of social exclusion like older people, blind/visually impaired people and people with low competencies.


We actively work on the quality of the learning process in non-formal education and the promotion of long-life learning. sTOP has created and developed a certification system supporting the development of trainers and educators as well as the quality of their educational activities.


We participate in international projects. We support sharing information and experiences, promoting new trends, valuable sources of knowledge, ways and methods of coaching work, and modern technology in teaching adults. We are active in searching for innovations in training, education, and development in Poland and abroad. We implement projects financed from external resources and training to order specific groups, and we are a member of  The European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA).


Our mission is to support persons, organisations and local communities in building open, inclusive and long-life learning societies. We support trainers and organisations acting for social change in their self-development and search for new solutions.

We inspire

We build professional and private relations

We care about quality in education and self- development


We are currently participating in the following European projects under the Erasmus + Programme:

Eco-Active for Planet – as a leader

Young Messengers of European Memory (YoMeM)

Volunteering creates Social Transformations  (Vosotros)

Memories Across Europe (MAE)

 Education and Art for Social Inclusion (EASI)

Sustainability Matrix for ALE institutions (SMALEI)

The wellbeing of Refugees’ Supporters (Well-Support) – as a leader (Grant agreement in progress)


We invite you to participate in training courses for international groups. Our experienced trainers and supervisors, who have several years of practice working with adult learners, conduct the courses in English. We direct our courses to European trainers, educators, teachers, and facilitators working with groups and adult learners in a non-formal context. Before each training, we will survey the participants’ needs.

The price for a 5-day course is 400 euros for one person. We offer training, a training room and a coffee break as part of the price.

Me, Myself and I – self-care in educator’s life

5-day workshop entirely devoted to the topic of self-care where you get to prioritize YOU.

09-13.09.2024 (Wilga, near Warszawa)


ICT Teaching Skills

A 5-day course devoted to improving digital skills used in education (formal and informal), in particular in creating videos and PowerPoint presentations. The workshops are aimed at beginners, i.e. people who intend to start using ICT in their educational work.

22-26.07.2024 (Wrocław)


Principles of effective learning environment for adults

A 5-day workshop on how you can create an engaging and effective educational process for adult learners, based on neuroscience discoveries and key theories.

08-12.07.2024 (Warszawa)


Designing Long Educational Cycles

A 5 days course for those who want to learn how to develop a longer course and benefit from the group process.

15-19.07.2024 (Kraków)



Anna SkoczCoordinator of international activities